Our Position
First and foremost, we believe that all Natural Healing Arts bring their contribution to the development and spreading of a wide range of healing techniques on our planet. We respect all natural healers, as long as they are truthful to their Art. We see all healers as pioneers, setting the foundations of a better world.
Furthermore we believe that all Reiki schools are equally valuable and all of them are sincerely trying to apply and enhance the teachings of Usui Sensei. We respect all Reiki practitioners, regardless of their school or affiliation.
We also believe that Western medicine has its own benefits, despite its main belief that every disease has a physical cause. We are happy to see that many doctors and medical staff are complementing their knowledge with the study of alternative therapies.
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While CRA members support holistic healing, we understand that Reiki is not superior to allopathic or other complementary intervention, but rather is an additional method of addressing the issue. We believe in the therapeutic effectiveness of Reiki, both as a free-standing therapy and/or in conjunction with other modalities.
We firmly believe that the in the future the ancient natural healing methods and the modern medical therapies will work together for the maximum benefit of the entire world.