A Feng Shui Approach to The Five Reiki Principle
Before elaborating on this approach, let’s take a look at this version of the Five Reiki Principles, where I switched the third and the fourth principle: Just for today Don’t get angry Don’t worry Work hard Be grateful Be kind to others. The Four directions In Feng Shui, the four of the five elements are […]
Customize The Five Reiki Principles
The ancient Chinese Buddhist principles revived by Mikao Usui Sensei in his famous Gokai teach us to work hard, to refrain from negative behavioural responses towards others or ourselves, like anger and worry, and achieve positive behavioural patterns, like gratitude and kindness. As I said before, there is a full range of negative and positive […]
Versions of the five principles
From China, back in the era of Bodhidharma, the Five Principles followed two different paths: a layman’s way, through the martial arts, and a monk’s way in Buddhism and Zen. Depending on the context, these principles present small variations, because they were adapted to serve a certain group’s interest. The translation of the Five Reiki […]
A Personal Interpretation of The Five Reiki Principles
The concept of the Five Principles dates back in China 2500 years ago, but the truth it brings to us is still valid today. Let’s attempt now to interpret these principles in a contemporary way, a way fit to the 21st century. Kyo dake wa Translations: Just for today or First we say Meaning: Here […]
The Four aspects of the Reiki Practice
Healing Technique The Usui System of Reiki Healing is a hands-on healing technique. Reiki, Universal Life Energy, is channeled through the practitioner’s hands for self-treatment or treatment of others. For more experienced practitioners, Reiki can be channeled through breath or eyesight. The most experienced use only their thoughts to channel Reiki. Personal Growth Giving and […]
Relationship Healing
We all exist and co-exist in the same time. We interact continuously with other beings and a few of our interconnections are more powerful and durable than most of the others. When two people are involved in a relationship, there is a third entity that exists – the relationship itself. This entity persists to exist […]