Forms of Ki

As we already discussed in a previous article, ki (qi or chi in Chinese texts) is a general concept of Life Force or Vital Energy. This energy is composed of different specific energies, which constantly move and transform into one another. The concept of qi is primarily associated with the meridian theory used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The following classification is here to cover the gap between the concept of ki and the Chakra system theory. I first read about it in a chapter written by Walter Lubeck (with Frank Arjava Petter and William Lee Rand) in The Spirit of Reiki: The Complete Handbook of the Reiki System, the most complete and thorough Reiki guide ever written.

The author of this system of classification is George Ohsawa, born in 1893 in Nyoichi Sakurazawa, the founder of the Macrobiotic diet and philosophy. He studied the system devised by Gurdjieff and developed further by Ouspensky and derived his 7 Levels of Judgment from their teachings. He altered their system, added to it, and also left out some of its parts.

Gurjjieff studied with Yogis and Sufis and he may have gotten his system from them. Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri in “The Holy Science” describes the 7 stages of creation and the 7 chakras. The Holy Bible has 7 spirits of God and 7 Heavens, etc.

Ohsawa classifies 7 Levels, Stages, Steps, or Classes of the Categories and Functions of Judgment:

  • Supreme
  • Ideological
  • Social
  • Intellectual
  • Sentimental
  • Sensory
  • Mechanical

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He goes further and assigns a different type of energy to these classes of human functions. I will attempt to analyze those forms of energy.

As I already stated in my article about The Energetic Principles of the Universe, at the base of the pyramid of energies there is the densest energy form, with the greatest power, but with the least ability to organize itself. At the top of the pyramid, there is the lightest energy, with the smaller intensity, but with the ability to self-organize. Any human activity uses a combination of these seven levels of energies.


Kekki KanjiEtymology: Kek is derived from ketsu (ketsueki) which means blood. Together with ki it means energy of the blood, or nourishing energy.

Function: Kekki is the densest and the least structured energy in the body. It is the base substance of Creation and it is correlated to our vitality. It is like the clay used to make bricks or pots. Being the coarsest form of energy, it is the easiest to use in nourishing specific structures. It is used by the cells in the human body in order to maintain its substance and produce the energy necessary for the body to act.

Corresponding Chakra: 1st, Root or Base Chakra, located at the end of the spine.


Shioke KanjiEtymology: Shio means salt, or tide, sea water. Together with ki it means the energy of the salt or more general, mineral energy or Earth energy.

Function: Shioke is the structure or form that can be filled with kekki. It is the human force field and it helps the human body and any of his parts to stay together and not to fall apart. When shioke is destroyed in a violent manner, kekki contained in it is released and become free to fill another structure. From metaphysical point of view, it represents the boundaries of a human being, our ability to achieve a purpose and the possibilities leading to personal accomplishment.

Corresponding Chakra: 1st, Root or Base Chakra, located at the end of the spine.


Mizuke KankiEtymology: Mizu means water. Together with ki it means the energy of the water, or fluid energy.

Function: Mizuke complements shioke, it dissolves the boundaries to a certain point, making possible for structures to communicate and establish relationships inside a group on one hand, and transform and evolve on the other. Without this form of energy, shioke forms would remain isolated and inflexible. It is the force of cohesion that makes a social life possible. At individual level, it supports the metabolism and allows us to take in nourishment in many forms.

Corresponding Chakra: 2nd, or Sacral Chakra, located 3-4 cm below the navel.


Kuki KanjiEtymology: Ku (from kuki) means air, gas. Together with ki it means the energy of the air, or gaseous energy.

Function: At physical level, kuki supports the ability to break down nourishment, but it is also the force that helps a martial artist to break a concrete board with bare hands. At mental level, it promotes determination and motivation to achieve goals, and also helps us to think logically. It is our true will and it is the motor for self-fulfillment, and personal growth.

Corresponding Chakra: 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the stomach area, below the sternum.


Denki KanjiEtymology: Den means thunder. Together with ki it means the energy of the thunder, or purifying energy. Denki is also used for electricity in our days.

Function: Denki helps us evolve spiritually. It produces the sentiments of love, compassion, empathy, tolerance, and faith. Denki is the energy that makes us accept that our growth should not happen at the expense of another human being and gives social life an organized aspect. It creates a natural fairness in relationships with others. Denki overwrites in certain circumstances our self-preservation instincts and it gives us the motivation to self-sacrifice for a noble cause. It maintains in balance our Ego and our Higher Self.

Corresponding Chakra: 4th or Hearth Chakra, located in the middle of the chest, on the median line, at heart level.


Jiki KanjiEtymology: Ji means magnet. Together with ki it means the energy of the magnet, or the force of attraction.

Function: Jiki brings mizuke energy at a new level of relationship and transformation through responsibility and communication. It brings together three factors: truth, beauty, and kindness. It allows humans to express themselves in a meaningful way. The magnetic energy allows us to develop skills and talents and produces charisma, as well as art, aesthetics, and beauty in any form. Jiki co-ordinates and correlates the expressions of all the above-mentioned energies in a form specific to each human being.

Corresponding Chakra: 5th or Throat Chakra, located at the bottom of the neck, above the sternum.


Reiki KanjiEtymology: Rei means Universal. Together with ki it means the Universal Life Energy. It can be translated also as spiritual power.

Function: Reiki is the lighter and the most structured energy in the body. It organizes the synergetic action of all the subordinate forms of energy in a holistic sense. It provides the source of all life and it promotes all life processes. It wakes up and supports the development of latent potentials. It connects us with our Higher Self. It is the closest energy to the “divine creative force”. Reiki reunites the principles of form (yin) and function (yang) and their multiple manifestations in the material world like separation and unity, Heaven and Earth, etc.

Corresponding Chakra: 6th or Brow Chakra, located above the root of the nose, between the eyebrows.

There are forms of energy higher than reiki, but they cannot manifest themselves directly into the material world. Because of this, reiki plays the role of the interface between those energies and the material world.


Shinki KanjiEtymology: Shin means core, heart, center, or true. Together with ki it means the Central Life Energy, or Divine Energy. It can be translated also as spiritual power.

Function: Shinki is the energy from which everything is created and to which everything returns after the end of its material existence. It represents the principle of Oneness. The fact that it acts outside the physical body does not mean that it acts outside our energetic body too. It touches the seventh layer of the aura. This is the type of energy that makes possible processes like telepathy, distant healing, divination, and it is studied by sciences like quantum physics.

Some authors understand shinki as a combination of all the other forms of energy, but it is a form of energy higher than all the others. It could be composed of other higher forms of energy, but it is unknown to us at this point in time.

Corresponding Chakra: 7th or Crown Chakra, located above the top of the head.


We have to remember that even though each chakra is responsible for a certain function in our energetic body, at the same time it nourishes the organs in the adjacent area. This implies that the types of energy described here are correlated to specific Chakras, but they are not the energy of those Chakras. They flow only through those Chakras.

The forms of energy described represent primary qualities of the Life Force rather than the energy flowing through Chakras, meridians, and organs.

Related articles:
Sources of Energy
Patterns of Energy
Classifications of Energy
The Concept of Qi

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